Thursday, 24 August 2017

Self-Care Response #8 with Nikki

Self –Care Q &A/Tag

This week’s guest responder is Nikki. You can find her on Twitter and on her blog. It’s just a short one this week but still very valid to my blog.

1. How do you know when you are in need of some self-care?

N: I know when I'm in need of self care if I feel like things are getting too much to handle and if my daily routine is becoming a struggle.

2. Once you are aware that you need to take care of yourself, do you usually do so alone or do you have someone you can go to when you need some TLC?

Usually I go have a nap if I'm on my own. Or I go to my boyfriend.

3. Do you find it hard to make time for yourself?

Yes I find it hard to find time for myself. I feel like I should always be doing things to make others happy. It's a way to occupy myself from my ptsd.

4. Is there anything that gets in the way of your “me” time/disrupts it (for me: noises outside can put me on edge or if other people are home I need to be mindful of how long I take, say, in the shower)?

My own stubbornness gets in the way of me time because I'm still in denial that I'm mentally ill.

5. Do you ever feel guilty for having “me” time?

Not really.

6. Do you schedule in “me” time or do you “go with the flow”/only take “me” time when you feel you need it?

I just get me time when I can.

7. Is there a self-care routine that you try to follow?

No. I will either have a nap. Or dye my hair and style it.

8. When you feel down/not like your usual self; what do you do to cheer yourself up (hobbies, being with loved ones etc)?

I can't cheer myself up on my own. I have to get help from someone else otherwise I go downhill.

9. Do you have any mantras that you say to yourself as a pick me up or on a daily basis?

'Everything happens for a reason'

10. Finally; do you have any self-care tips for anyone who might be reading this?

Tip: listen to yourself. Only you know what you need, no one else.

~ That is it for this week! Again, you can find Nikki on Twitter and her blog.
I have something that I am super excited about to share with you Monday but until then; please stick around and see what else my blog has to offer.



If you decide to use this, please let me know first and give credit. There’s nothing worse than finding out something that you worked really hard on has been taken and uncredited, sometimes even plagiarised.

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