Monday, 28 August 2017

The Versatile Blogger Award

The Versatile Blogger Award!

It’s been such an exciting time here on the blog and over on Twitter in the last two months that I can barely keep up! I reached my first goal of getting 1k views on my blog - a goal that I had set for the end of last month (27th July to be precise) to mark 3 months of having transferred my blog over here to Blogger and ended up smashing it 23 days early. The blog is now so close to 5k views. That’s insane! It really blows my mind that there are people out there who actually want to read about what I have to say and who are so supportive. I was also nominated for my first blogger award (Liebster) and now I’m so thrilled to announce that I have been nominated for a second!
The amazing Cairon at Travel Bear nominated me for the “Versatile Blogger Award” (VBA) and I am just speechless. Someone genuinely found my writing interesting/good enough to nominate me for an award and it’s just one of the biggest compliments a blogger can ever receive. I actually got a little panicky when I logged into Twitter to see I had so many notifications, to tell you the truth, and was so relieved to see it was from this sweet, sweet creature and her other nominees. Cairon’s blog tagline is “Travel. Sass. Life” and it is just that. She’s such a lovely person to talk to; one of these people that you can instantly have a conversation with rather than the usual pleasantries and then never hearing from the other person again as the conversation was so dull that you fear that they had died of boredom.

The “Versatile Blogger Award” is in recognition of bloggers who post quality content/writing as well as those who offer a unique perspective on topics that may not be as widely talked about in such a personal way. Its aim is to recognise bloggers who you think make a real difference in the world/to the world of blogging. You can find the website for the award here and should refer to it if you have any questions that I may not be able to answer about it.

The Rules of Being Nominated Are:

·          Thank the person who gave you this award. 
·          Include a link to their blog — if you can figure out how to do it.
·          Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
·          Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — include a link to this site.
·          Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

As you can see above, the Cairon at Travel Bear nominated me. You can find her Twitter here. I recommend giving her a follow; she’s so friendly and really does post quality content. I wholeheartedly agree with Tallulah for nominating her for it and you can read all about that by going to Cairon’s blog.

These are 7 things about me:

1. I have been blogging for years. I started out when I was about 12 (13 years ago now) when blogging really wasn’t a “thing” or that heard of.  Similarly; I have been working on websites for just as long. Aside from my blog, I have a website that I maintain but don’t ever advertise as being mine on Twitter.

2. I would love to be well enough to travel to close places like Ireland (you’ll get why after my next fact lol) and go on longer-haul flights to places such as Greece. I would love to go back to Bulgaria.

3. I love Westlife. Musically, they were my first loves and I was over the moon (still am) to have met them when I was 19.

4. I really want to be a published author. Writing is the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing when I go to sleep. I always have a notepad on me (physically or virtually via my phone/tablet).

5. I don’t think I’ve mentioned it before on my blog but I have OCD traits when I get really ill with anxiety. When I’m home alone I’m constantly checking doors and windows to make sure they are locked even if I  know for a fact that they are as I locked them myself.

6.  When I was well enough to work, a customer once offered to buy and ship me a bottle of wine (or 3 as they said!) for helping them out over the phone for being “so helpful, kind and understanding”. It really made my day as I had lost faith in humanity up until that point.

7. I find music really empowering/emotional. However; there a few songs that make me cry. Three of them are related to the grandparents I have lost. Believe it or not; “Dancing Queen” by Abba is one of them (long story).

My 15 Nominees Are:

*Courtney – UnfilteredMama. Courtney’s life story and posts are captivating.  She writes about her painful past experiences with an ex and her new life. She was also my first friend to come from blogging and she’s been nothing but supportive since our first chat. She also nominated me for my first blogger award which gave me a really helped with my confidence.

Bree – BilpolarBree. As you can tell by the title, Bree blogs about living with bipolar disorder. She also writes about dealing with anxiety & addiction. Bree’s posts read like diary/journal entries and she was the first blogger that I came across who wrote in this style. I find her writing intriguing and always leave wanting to read more from her.

*Katie – Katie’s Sanctuary. Lovely, lovely lass who blogs about beauty, lifestyle and mental health. As I’m not really a follower of anything to do with beauty (most days I can barely bring myself to brush my hair), it takes a really special person/blog to catch my eye. Katie’s did just that. What really sold reading posts about Lush hauls etc was just how friendly and enthusiastic about her blog she is which made me really want to read it.

*Kayleigh – My Little Brushneen Blog. Kayleigh is a family/lifestyle blogger who also posts about dealing with anxiety. One of her fonts reminds me of the styling of the “My Little Pony” brand so I felt a strong pull of nostalgia when I first viewed her blog. She’s another really nice lass who has made me feel so welcome in the blogging community.

*Phil – Moneyless Man. Phil is someone who I think is really hard-working. Not only is he working on getting himself out of debt (and succeeding), he’s also sharing his story/tips with you so that you have someone to share the journey with.
Allanah – Allannah Louise. I’ve just discovered Allannah’s blog and I’m so glad that she was in my “recommended” list of who to follow on Twitter. Did you know that not only was her original blog deleted but she RESURECTED IT! If that isn’t motivation enough to keep going when life (and hosts) throw s*** your way then I don’t know what is.

Leila – Leila Land. I first came across Leila when I was looking for people to nominate for the Liebster Award. I was thoroughly miserable and at the end of my tether looking for bloggers who hadn’t been nominated and then there she was like this beacon of light. She was so nice when replying to this complete and utter stranger who was asking her if she had less than 200 subs on her blog and didn’t take me for being a complete weirdo (which I’m actually OK with). She blogs about beauty & lifestyle and she also has a stellar YouTube channel.

Jess – Queen Sapphire. Jess is such a lovely soul. We haven’t actually communicated with each other but I see her Tweets and her blog and that is enough for me to make that judgement about her. Jess blogs about just about everything which is great for people like me who aren’t interested in, say fashion posts, but love unboxings and posts about mental health.

Kathryn – Just Kathryn. Kathryn. Where do I start? Not only does she come across as such a genuinely kind person but she keeps going even when life gets tough. At least one of her posts has made me cry. Not because she’s talked about one of my triggers but because her writing really makes you feel whatever emotion she was going through when she wrote it. If you look for anything in a writer (whether it’s a blogger, freelancer or author etc) then it should be that.

Katie Lou -   A Mother’s Love. Katie Lou is a mermerising storyteller who I aspire to be like in my own (fictional) storytelling (not on my blog). She writes about depression and motherhood.

Tiffany – Food and other Loves. Tiffany was the first person to make me feel welcome to the blogging world. She encouraged me to post my first ever response to a tag (Mental Health) which I originally saw on her blog.

Lydia – mademoisellewomen. Lydia’s blog is home to her writings about living with asperger’s syndrome as well as reviews and interviews with authors, bloggers etc. Her blog caught my eye as someone really close to me also has aspergers syndrome and I thought her blog would be helpful in understanding it.  She also comes across as being really friendly in her writing.

Tamara – The Epileptic Blogger. Writing style inspiration right here. Another lady who not only makes me want to read every last word of hers, but who makes me want to better my own work. Fantastic writer.

Jude – Loving Mental Health. Jude is a new (in the last week) follower/followee (not a word but go with me on this one) of mine and she’s honestly such warm, kind lady. She writes about what it is like living with bipolar disease, and like with Bree’s posts, whilst it’s not something I relate to illness/mindset-wise, I do enjoy reading about how she keeps herself well. I hope to have many more conversations with her.

Bunnie – Happy Bunnie Blog. Bunnie blogs openly about her struggles with depression and food - both of which I relate to. She’s so honest about how she feels/is getting on and I find that endearing. She’s also a fan of Grace Helbig’s podcast, Not Too Deep, so she ticks all of my boxes in what I look for not only in whom I follow but who I reach out to as a potential friend.

Apologies if any of you have been nominated before but I think that it is wonderful that more than one person thought of you for said award. It means we read the requirements for the nominees and you were the first person/people we thought of. I’ve also included one/some of the reasons why I thought of you for this award (why you’ve made a difference in my life/ the blogging community/why others should check you out). Please let me know how you all get on with your award posts; I would love to have a read of them!



*Anyone with a * next to their name has also either been featured on my blog before or has inspired a post/tagged me in one. You can check out their guest posts below!

Courtney: Nominated me for the Liebster Award. Wrote a response to my Self-Care Q&A here.
Katie: Wrote a response to my Self-Care Q&A here.
Kayleigh: Wrote a response to my Self-Care Q&A here.
Phil: Wrote a response to my Self-Care Q&A here.
Tiffany: Discovered the Mental Health Tag on her blog.

** If any of my nominees want me to change/fix anything (the use of pronouns etc) then please let me know and I will do so accordingly. I completely understand if me getting something like that wrong makes you mad but I would appreciate not having any insults or horrible remarks thrown my way if you do need to correct me. It has not been (and never will be) my intention to hurt anyone.

You can find Anxiously, Me on:
This blog

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Self-Care Response #8 with Nikki

Self –Care Q &A/Tag

This week’s guest responder is Nikki. You can find her on Twitter and on her blog. It’s just a short one this week but still very valid to my blog.

1. How do you know when you are in need of some self-care?

N: I know when I'm in need of self care if I feel like things are getting too much to handle and if my daily routine is becoming a struggle.

2. Once you are aware that you need to take care of yourself, do you usually do so alone or do you have someone you can go to when you need some TLC?

Usually I go have a nap if I'm on my own. Or I go to my boyfriend.

3. Do you find it hard to make time for yourself?

Yes I find it hard to find time for myself. I feel like I should always be doing things to make others happy. It's a way to occupy myself from my ptsd.

4. Is there anything that gets in the way of your “me” time/disrupts it (for me: noises outside can put me on edge or if other people are home I need to be mindful of how long I take, say, in the shower)?

My own stubbornness gets in the way of me time because I'm still in denial that I'm mentally ill.

5. Do you ever feel guilty for having “me” time?

Not really.

6. Do you schedule in “me” time or do you “go with the flow”/only take “me” time when you feel you need it?

I just get me time when I can.

7. Is there a self-care routine that you try to follow?

No. I will either have a nap. Or dye my hair and style it.

8. When you feel down/not like your usual self; what do you do to cheer yourself up (hobbies, being with loved ones etc)?

I can't cheer myself up on my own. I have to get help from someone else otherwise I go downhill.

9. Do you have any mantras that you say to yourself as a pick me up or on a daily basis?

'Everything happens for a reason'

10. Finally; do you have any self-care tips for anyone who might be reading this?

Tip: listen to yourself. Only you know what you need, no one else.

~ That is it for this week! Again, you can find Nikki on Twitter and her blog.
I have something that I am super excited about to share with you Monday but until then; please stick around and see what else my blog has to offer.



If you decide to use this, please let me know first and give credit. There’s nothing worse than finding out something that you worked really hard on has been taken and uncredited, sometimes even plagiarised.

You can find Anxiously, Me on:
This blog

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Self-Care Q&A Response #7 - Katie

Self –Care Q &A/Tag

This week’s response comes from the glorious Katie! Read below to find out how she takes care of herself when she’s feeling down and how she knows when she needs some self-care. You can find her blog here and on Twitter.

1. How do you know when you are in need of some self-care?

I know I'm in need of self-care when I start to feel run down or drained - sometimes it can even be that I notice I've let my nails chip or not washed my hair in days, then I'm like... ok, pull your finger out Katie.

2. Once you are aware that you need to take care of yourself, do you usually do so alone or do you have someone you can go to when you need some TLC?

I really value alone time - I used to hate my own company, but now I'm like gimme more! I find peace in being quiet and being able to please myself.. that said my boyfriend makes me feel loved/safe/secure, so I value him a lot too.

3. Do you find it hard to make time for yourself?

Sometimes, yes. I get it in my head that I'm being selfish or that there's a billion and one other things to be getting on with, like laundry or cleaning; but if I don't take care of me every now and again, I'm never gonna be able to tackle those billion and one other things! It's all about finding a balance.

4. Is there anything that gets in the way of your “me” time/disrupts it (for me: noises outside can put me on edge or if other people are home I need to be mindful of how long I take, say, in the shower)?
I live with a fair few people in the house and I don't always feel able to relax, I'm just on edge - but when I'm in my room I feel a lot better. Mostly I'm best when nobody else is home!

5. Do you ever feel guilty for having “me” time?

100%! Like I said, I'll justify it that there's loads of other things to do, people will think I'm being selfish etc.

6. Do you schedule in “me” time or do you “go with the flow”/only take “me” time when you feel you need it?

I generally go with the flow, but if I feel like I'm reaching that point where I've pushed myself too hard or I'm drained, I'll make a point of going 'ok, so tonight I'm going to do this, this & that, just for me!'

7. Is there a self-care routine that you try to follow?

Not particularly, I guess I like to do my nails, skincare, eyebrows etc and feel like I've really taken the time to physically look after myself. I try to eat when I'm hungry, sleep when I'm tired, exercise a little - I think I just try to listen to my body and mind as much as poss!

8. When you feel down/not like your usual self; what do you do to cheer yourself up (hobbies, being with loved ones etc)?

I like to have a hot bath (preferably with a Lush bubble bar!), listen to music, watch Harry Potter or a Disney - my boyfriend is brilliant, and my Grandad can be so uplifting to be around. I find running to be really good for me, especially if I'm feeling tense, and I definitely find blogging therapeutic, especially since I talk about mental health a lot - it's a good outlet!

9. Do you have any mantras that you say to yourself as a pick me up or on a daily basis?

Funnily enough, it's only recently that I've started 'talking to myself' in an effort to pick myself up; whether it's just a "come on Katie, pick yourself up", or an "I WANT TO LIVE", in order to push myself to seize the day as much as I can, live in the moment a little. Sometimes it's just as simple as "You're ok". Surprisingly, it really can help.

10. Finally; do you have any self-care tips for anyone who might be reading this?

Firstly I would say, you're not to feel guilty for making time for yourself - I know I'm one to preach! But it's crucial to take care of/& love yourself. It's like acceptance & it can make the world of difference. I've recently discovered the joys of my own company & not having to please other people all the time - which is a big deal for a self-confessed people-pleaser! My point is, if you want to do something, do it. Like to paint? Go paint. Like to swim? Go swim. Like to grow vegetables? Go grow! Doing things that make your soul happy makes pathways for more happiness.

~ Thanks again to Katie Rose for taking part! How do you  relax?


If you decide to use this, please let me know first and give credit. There’s nothing worse than finding out something that you worked really hard on has been taken and uncredited, sometimes even plagiarised.

You can find Anxiously Me in these 4 places:

Here on this blog

Friday, 11 August 2017

Self-Care Q&A #6 ft. Kayleigh (Brushneen_blog)

Self –Care Q&A/Tag

This week sees the lovely Kayleigh providing the answers to the "Self-Care Q&A". You can find her on Twitter and on her blog.

1. How do you know when you are in need of some self-care?

I have what's known as a generalised anxiety disorder which comes with many ups and downs, good times and bad, I know that I need to invest in some self care when it starts to become a daily struggle again, when I feel I'm constantly worrying, on edge and physical symptoms become more frequent (racing heart, feeling short of breath, tense etc) and I just feel overwhelmed with it all.

2. Once you are aware that you need to take care of yourself, do you usually do so alone or do you have someone you can go to when you need some TLC?

It's only since I began to blog (approx 2 months ago) that I started to be more open about my mental health and struggles with anxiety. I tend to try and keep it to myself as much as possible but If things get to much and I feel I need some help to help me through whether it's a shoulder to cry on, a chat or both I'll turn to my Fiancé and close family. They have stood by me through so much and continue to do so and I can't thank them enough for that.

3. Do you find it hard to make time for yourself?

I find it very difficult to make time for myself, I think many parents can relate to that, I absolutely love being a mummy and my family are my world but it is easy to … well ... neglect myself I suppose with everything else that needs to be done and making sure everyone else is ok. I think I just need to make a bit more of an effort to look after me as well sometimes.

4. Is there anything that gets in the way of your “me” time/disrupts it (for me: noises outside can put me on edge or if other people are home I need to be mindful of how long I take, say, in the shower)?

Hmmm.. I suppose this can sort of tie in with my previous answer in that there's just not much time for that "me time" i'd say, as silly as it sounds, it's actually mostly myself that gets in the way as I find it hard to relax and I'm always thinking/stressing about what needs to be done so just don't schedule in time for myself.

5. Do you ever feel guilty for having “me” time?

Yes. As much as I know it's important I do always feel so guilty if I have taken some time out for myself even if it's just an hour in the bath! I'll be battling to justify it to myself and thinking about other things I could be getting done or that I should have focused that time on my daughter. It's difficult.

6. Do you schedule in “me” time or do you “go with the flow”/only take “me” time when you feel you need it?

I rarely schedule "me time" it's very much just going with the flow. It's not really a regular thing.

7. Is there a self-care routine that you try to follow?

I wouldn't say I have a routine as such but there are certain things I tend to do when feeling a bit overwhelmed, things that help to ease the anxiety.

8. When you feel down/not like your usual self; what do you do to cheer yourself up (hobbies, being with loved ones etc)?

For me you can't beat a day out with my loved ones, they always manage to cheer me up. I also find reading, writing and music helps to relax me. I'm really enjoying writing my blog and find that quite therapeutic. Another thing that helps is getting out to get some fresh air, a nice walk or even a visit to the park with the little one. I tend to isolate myself when my anxiety is bad yet always feel so much better when I've pushed myself to get out and about.

9. Do you have any mantras that you say to yourself as a pick me up or on a daily basis?

Not really, I just remind myself that I've got through it before and I can do it again and that everything will be ok.

10. Finally; do you have any self-care tips for anyone who might be reading this?

It's something I'm still working on but try not to close up and battle it by yourself, don't be afraid to ask for help and talk, it really does help! Find a hobby or something you enjoy that you can help to calm, relax you and take your mind off any worries/stress. Be kind to yourself, remember that you're important too.

~ How is this the 6th response to this already? Only 4 more left then we'll see about maybe doing a 2nd round, or a new Q&A!



If you decide to use this, please let me know first and give credit. There’s nothing worse than finding out something that you worked really hard on has been taken and uncredited, sometimes even plagiarised.

If you want to give Anxiously, Me a follow then you can find me at:
and, of course, on here.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

The Liebster Award! *Edited* 3/8/17

*Just a little note to say that this post has been edited. I was made aware of additional (to my post, they've always been part of this year's original award) requirements that were not sent to me via my nomination so I've added them in. I will put in bold what I have added and leave an * where I've changed the wording.

The Liebster Award.

Hi everyone! I was tagged by the lovely Courtney ( to do this tag! This tag was created to help new bloggers get discovered and to help them connect with the rest of the blogging community. The rules are:

  1. Recognise who tagged you and promote their blog on your blog.
  2. Answer all questions asked of you.
  3. Create 11 NEW questions.
  4. *Nominate 5-11 bloggers with under 200 followers.
  5. Inform them.
  6. Display the award on your blog (put it in your post). You can find free images here.
  7. Write a 150-300 word piece about your favourite blog (not your own). Explain why and leave links.
  8. Optional: include 10 random facts about yourself.

The questions asked to me were:

1. What type of blogger are you? How did you get to where you are right now?

I am a mental health (both personal and informational) blogger whose posts also fit in with the “lifestyle” category. I only created this blog back in April (3 months ago) and would post occasionally but I decided to get into a routine and started blogging twice a week from the end of June/beginning of July. Since doing so and tweeting out links every day I now have over 3k views, an established minimum view count per day and have had days where I’ve had 5x the amount of views as the previous day.

2. When do you find the time to blog?

I can’t work due to my mental health so I write posts more or less every day. As I mentioned above, I only post twice a week so I’m constantly stocking up on posts.

3. Out of all your published posts, which one is your favorite? Why?

I think the “Self-Care Q&A” has to be my favourite. It was the first time I had created my own Q&A and got such an overwhelming response from people wanting to take part that I had to put a cap on the number of people I sent out the questions to. I post their responses to the questions every Friday now.

4. What do you enjoy doing in your free time, besides blogging?

I write a lot of fictional stories and host an interactive story site. I enjoy a good book – more so in physical form than via audiobook or Kindle. I also love to sing and when I was well I loved going to concerts and comedy gigs.

5. If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go?

I love Spain and Bulgaria and I would really love to go back. I also want to get well enough so that if I get any work opportunities through my blog I can travel to them.

6. Are you a book reader? What book would you recommend everyone to read?

I have been reading anything and everything I can get my hands on since I learned to read. For children and young teens I recommend any of Jacqueline Wilson’s books. My favourites as a child were “Lola Rose” and “The Dare Game” which is based on one of her most successful characters, Tracy Beaker. She also inspired me to write. For young adults I recommend Sara Shepard’s “Pretty Little Liars” series, “The Perfectionists”, “The Lying Game” and her new series “The Amateurs”.

7. Have you had any negative experiences with blogging? What did you do to overcome it?

The only negative thing I have witnessed whilst blogging wasn’t directed at me. It was basically “blogger drama” so I took on board the warnings that people where giving about working with specific bloggers who are known for scamming people and ignored all the rest. *I've also noticed that when talking about mental health some people try to make it a competition and try to invalidate how you're feeling if they don't deem it to be "as bad" as theirs.

8. Where are you from? Favorite place to go in your town?

I am from a city in Scotland called Stirling. My favourite place there is along the embankments of the river Forth. It’s so nice to sit there and watch the sun set. Admittedly, I haven’t been there in years.

9. What has surprised you the most about blogging and its large community?

I was surprised by how friendly most bloggers are. It’s so different to other communities that I have been a part of in the past. Mostly everyone is supportive and they will always help you out. Nothing is certain in the blogging world; it is what you make it. It's not a competition and you won't get very far thinking you are entitled to everything. I'm a big fan of the saying "what is for you will not go by you". If it's meant to be, it will be. Blog because you have a passion for it: not for freebies, money or even awards. At the end of the day people will remember you for how you were as person not how many awards you won or how many views you had.

10. What are your long-term goals for your blog?

My initial goal was to help just one person and that will always be my #1 goal. If I can help others not feel as alone as I did/do then it is a job well done (and a blog well blogged). It would be nice to make this my job and to be a freelance writer which has been one of my dreams for so long now. I feel like it’s something that I can definitely do and I don’t have to worry about being ill as I can take as much time out as needed without fear of getting fired.

11. Name something you can’t live without and explain why.

It’s going to sound really cheesy but I can’t live without my parents. They support me so much and if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t even attempt to go outside on my good days. I owe them a lot and if I can make a career out of blogging/freelancing then I can make a start on repaying them by contributing more to bills etc.

Here are 10 Random Facts About Me:

  1. I used to perform in a children's circus every summer (as a child clown)
  2. I still have the dollhouse that my grandad made me.
  3. I'm terrified of needles.
  4. Robots scare me too.
  5. I've never seen "classic" movies such as "Dirty Dancing", the original "Ghostbusters" etc.
  6. I've met various famous people (mostly Scottish) including Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid from Harry Potter).
  7. I've been involved in several choirs including NYCoS.
  8. I wanted to be an opera singer.
  9. I own a website that most of you don't know about.
  10. I really want to become a published author but lack the confidence to go after my dream.

For those that I tagged, here are your questions:

1. How did your blog come about/what or who inspired you to create one?

2. Who gives you the most #bloginspo (blog inspiration)?

3. Do you have a blogging schedule?

4. What do you think about automatic dms from bloggers you follow on Twitter?

5. Who was your first blogging friend?

6. If you could trade lives with another blogger, who would it be and why?

7. What does your preferred (physical) writing space look like? Is it at a table in café? Is it at a desk/table in your own home?

8. What fictional place would you like to travel to? Why?

9. If you could be a part of any TV show/Podcast/Movie cast which one would you chose and why?

10. Do you have a comfort item? For example a piece of clothing that makes you feel good, a treasured blanket from your past etc?

11. And last but not least: a silly question. If you were a colour; what colour would you be and what would you name yourself?

I nominate (11 + a cheeky extra as I lost track of how many):

1. Nikki @NerfMercy_

2. Becca @mygirlsandmexo

3. Nouf: @noufnotes

4. Phil: @themoneylessman

5. Tiffany: @sincerelytifff

6. Ana: @anaenglishblog

7. Phannie @phanniebookworm

8. Saira: @acupofsai

9. Leila: @LeilaNeve

10. Kloe: @Kloeslilcorner

11. Mariah: @VibesByMariah

12. Faisal: @falidude

And my favourite blog (from my nominations) is...

How do I choose? I've talked to you all at some point for various lengths and all of our conversations are dear to me so it’s not been easy to pick.
I have chosen Becca’s (mygirlsandmesite) blog as we’ve conversed a lot and I always feel like I can have a good old moan with her without being judged. She is such a lovely person and that really shines through not only in her messages to me but across her blog and public social media posts.
She is a mummy and lifestyle blogger (and doing a cracking job at both!) who blogs simply because it’s fun and I really admire her for that. She’s down-to-earth and doesn’t let smashing new goals get to her head which is what I think is key when growing your blog/social media. Her posts are fun and engaging, and she’s not afraid to post cringe-y throwback photos (her words, not mine!). She’s also not afraid of posting pieces that are personal to her; her engagement story, what her children are getting up to etc and the fact that she has a crush on Leigh Francis (or Keith Lemon as you may know him) so, as you can tell, she’s very open and honest.
Becca is always friendly to everyone who leaves comments/sends her tweets and will let you rant to her if you’re having a bad time. She’s full of useful advice and whilst she is a small blogger herself, if she can help you out in any way then she will.
I could go on forever about just how amazing she is but my word count is nearly up. If my opinion of her doesn’t sway you to check her out then you should definitely check her out anyway and see for yourself. You can find her on Twitter, Facebook and on her blog

It stressed me out trying to find 11 people with less than 200 followers (I assumed it was on their blog and was not aware that 11 wasn't a set number until nearly a week after posting and nearly a month after receiving my nomination) so I literally messaged around to find out who hadn’t done this tag yet and ended up with these 12 nominations! If you're struggling to find bloggers with less than 200 followers then ask around and feel free to ask me to send out a message for you as the lovely Char (@forgedopulence) did for me.

Get To Know Me Part 2

Hi everyone! Here is part 2 of the "Get To Know Me" post that I did last Friday to celebrate one year of being with Blogger. If ...

Anxiously, Me